for city, beach, and then bed...
for hotel brunch and then bedroom...
P.Le Moult makes lounge-wear from the shapes inherited from her dad's grandpa, E. Le Moult, the world’s Nº1 butterfly hunter, and his dad L.Le Moult, France's 19th-century pioneer of organic farming.
Our shapes were worn on the ocean liner to and in the Amazonian jungle, 1920s to 1940s.
𝐈 152-162cm height 4’12”-5’4”
UNISEX REGULAR very chubby : size up +1
𝐈𝐈 162-172cm height 5’4”-5’8”
UNISEX REGULAR very skinny : size down -1 very chubby :...
𝐈𝐈𝐈 172-182cm height 5’8”-5’12”
UNISEX REGULAR very skinny : size down -1 very chubby : size...
𝐈𝐕 182-192cm height 5’12”-6’4”
UNISEX REGULAR very skinny : size down -1 very chubby : size...
𝐕 192-202cm height 6’4”-6’8”
UNISEX REGULAR very skinny : size down -1 very chubby : size...